Canada’s lost decade

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Canadians need to ask themselves if they really want to flirt with another lost decade.

There has been a lot of discussion lately about Canada’s lost decade from 2015 to 2025, attributable to the Trudeau regime’s destructive and divisive economic and social policies. Most Canadians are aware that things haven’t exactly been going well in Canada for some time, but some recent data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has demonstrated in stark detail just how bad things are for Canada. The IMF data show what an economic laggard Canada has been relative to other developed countries. When looking at economic growth per capita over the last 10 years, Canada has expanded by a mere 0.5 per cent, as compared to 20.7 per cent for the US. All European countries also outperformed Canada, which is by far in last place in this important indicator of our standard of living. 

You would think such a situation would create an overwhelming demand for a change in government, yet oddly the Liberal’s new leader and unelected Prime Minister Mark Carney seems to be attracting significant support from Canadians. Are people not aware that Carney has been advising the Liberals for most of their tenure in government and was very supportive of the climate policies and social engineering that dragged down our economy and divided our society? 

Back in 2021, this author and columnist Peter Foster wrote a very interesting article outlining Carney’s history and beliefs. It outlines Carney’s desire for a “technocratic dictatorship justified by climate alarmism” and the fact that Carney cites Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin among his influences. Our current version of capitalism which, warts and all, has been the source of the biggest improvement ever seen in the lives of millions, will morph into “stakeholder capitalism” in Carney’s world, where the pursuit of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) goals will prevail over typical business objectives such as remaining profitable. Every Canadian should read the Foster article to get a handle on someone who could be Canada’s next prime minister.

In recent years, Carney has attempted to force his ideas on the developed world. Once it was clear that Carney’s vision led to economic decline and business collapse, investment firms, businesses and government have been moving away from implementing these policies. Yet there is no indication that Carney himself has changed his mind. If he succeeds in being elected prime minister, it is likely that Canada will become Carney’s petri dish for experimentation with more of the policies that have weakened our economy over the last ten years. 

The recent reduction of the consumer carbon tax – a tax that Carney and his Liberal colleagues viewed as highly positive and essential just a few months ago – was a mere distraction. At the same time, Carney expressed his support for increasing the industrial carbon tax, a move that will still end up hitting consumers, further fueling inflation and damaging our economic competitiveness. 

In the last week or so, Ontario Premier Doug Ford has made some comments that seem to be supportive of Carney. This is a shocking development that makes no sense. Ford continues to present himself as pro-business, yet by supporting Carney he is effectively endorsing policies that have been proven to be bad for business and bad for Ontario. It is shameful that Ford appears to be undermining his federal Conservative colleagues at such a critical time. 

Now that we’re heading to a snap federal election in the shortest possible time period, Canadians need to ask themselves if they really want to flirt with another lost decade. The election of a Liberal government under Carney will surely continue the approach of shutting out our productive fossil fuel sector and other resource industries, worsening the alienation of Alberta and Saskatchewan and further beggaring our national economy. Perhaps in anticipation of more punishment of the oil and gas sector, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has just introduced amendments to the province’s infrastructure defence law to put a firewall around Alberta’s energy sector by stating that oil and gas production sites are essential infrastructure.  National unity will not be improving under a Carney government. As Peter Foster concludes in his article, “It won’t be pleasant”. 

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