The inequality of equalization

by Catherine Swift

  A Conservative government will be much more likely to heed provincial calls for a sensible change or even elimination of the equalization program. Pictured: Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Andrew Furey with Quebec Premier Francois Legault. Photo Credit: Andrew Furey/X.  Canada’s Equalization Program has been around since 1957 and was initially put in place to […]

Trudeau Liberals leave Canadians to drown in a sea of red ink

by Chris George

  Canadians are all too familiar now with the reports which forecasts Canada to be the country with the worst performing economy and the weakest growth in living standards through to 2060. Pictured: Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Photo Credit: Chrystia Freeland/X.  The Bank of Canada’s announcement this week shaving a quarter per cent off the […]

Better procurement policies needed

by Catherine Swift

It should be a no-brainer to ensure that our domestic businesses are given a fair chance to bid on government projects. Pictured: Ontario Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy. Photo Credit: Peter Bethlenfalvy/X.  The Ford government recently received many kudos from the news media about its decision to devote one-quarter of its advertising dollars toward news publishers […]

We would not have known about Canada’s foreign interference problem except for CSIS employees who leaked the information to the Globe and Mail last year. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X.  Political dynamics are keeping this corrupt federal government in power, leaving whistleblowers our best hope to dislodge it. After more than […]

  Don’t expect Carney to appear at Rideau Hall anytime soon. Pictured: Former Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney. Photo Credit: Mark Carney/X.  The proverbial elephant in the room. They linger. They distract. They have the power to leave everyone searching for the answer as to what comes next. At present, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau […]

  The impact of AI on Canada’s electoral process remains to be seen, but its ability to transform political campaigning is undeniable. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Minister Dominic LeBlanc. Photo Credit: Dominic LeBlanc/X.  As the 2024 US Presidential election looms with artificial intelligence (AI) playing a pivotal role in swaying voters in key […]

Canada is too little, too late on defence spending as NATO summit concludes

by Josie Sabatino

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attempted to save face yesterday by announcing that Canada would meet the two percent target by 2032. Pictured: US President Joe Biden, Finland President Alexander Stubb and Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X.  A little over a year ago, the Washington Post dropped a bombshell report based on leaked Pentagon documents. The […]

Trudeau schooled on commitment at NATO meetings

by Chris George

It was a chasten Canadian delegation that departed the Washington summit, having been so sternly schooled on commitment. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X.    The 2024 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Summit this week was a serious and frank affair reflecting the world’s mounting […]

Youth employment challenges

by Catherine Swift

Policies that encourage a healthier economy overall are essential to ensure our younger workforce gets the opportunities they need and deserve. Photo Credit: iStock.  There has been a fair bit of discussion lately about the lack of summer or part-time jobs for youth in Canada. There are a number of factors causing this situation that […]

Another scandal as Trudeau government plays politics with diaspora

by Chris George

Much like an onion, there are layers to this story that if you peel them back, they will bring tears to your eyes. Pictured: Emergency Preparedness Minister Harjit Sajjan. Photo Credit: Harjit Sajjan/X.  There has been another scandal in the nation’s capital, this one involving Canada’s defence minister and his orders to the Canadian Forces […]

Poilievre’s path to power: How Conservatives plan to seize 2025

by Daniel Perry

The biggest threat to the Conservatives could be hubris. Assuming victory too early can lead to fatal missteps. Pictured: Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. Photo Credit: Pierre Poilievre/X.  Rideau Cottage has been a quiet place this past week. The sunny ways are over, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been pondering not only if he should […]

Westerners’ efforts bridging the east – west divide (Part 3 of 3)

by Chris George

The oil and gas sector pumps billions and billions of dollars into the country’s economy – enriching Canadians’ standard of living. Pictured: Alberta Minister of Environmental and Protected Areas Rebecca Schulz. Photo Credit: Rebecca Schulz/X.  One of the last acts of the Trudeau government before recessing for the summer parliamentary break was to ensure its […]

Freeland discovers China

by Catherine Swift

The solution is not more surtaxes or tariffs but working toward a more competitive Canadian economy overall with less government tinkering and intervention. Pictured: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland with two cabinet colleagues. Photo Credit: Chrystia Freeland/X.  It was surprising, and long overdue, to hear that Deputy Prime Minister and Finance […]

If two things are certain, it is that Trudeau will spectacularly fail to message his way out of this situation and that Canadians have finally had enough. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X.  Well, there you have it. Now that the dust has officially settled on Monday’s byelection in Toronto – St. […]

Canadians deserve disclosure on foreign interference

by Lee Harding

If foreign interference of this magnitude can go on without meaningful consequence, who knows what else is being allowed to happen. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X.  It is stunning that Canadians still don’t know which of their elected officials have aided and even collaborated with foreign governments. Will someone please tell […]

Where the parties stand ahead of Monday’s federal by-election

by Josie Sabatino

Instead of picking up where the Liberals have dropped off, the NDP are falling victim to progressive voters looking to park their vote with the Conservatives until the Liberals end up with a new leader. Pictured: NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh. Photo Credit: Jagmeet Singh/X.  Where in the world is Jagmeet Singh? While this question isn’t […]

Conservatives’ efforts bridging the east – west divide (Part 2 of 3)

by Chris George

We R Conservative is a grassroots group that networks tens of thousands of conservative-minded individuals across the country. Pictured: Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre and Heather Forsyth. Photo Credit: Heather Forsyth/X.  We R CONSERVATIVE (WRC) is a federal registered non-profit political advocacy organization whose mission is raising awareness of the misdeeds of the governing Liberals and […]

The clash: Can Trudeau recapture the magic of 2015?

by Daniel Perry

The path ahead for the Liberals is a long one. It will be an uphill battle on most fronts. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X.  Should he stay or should he go? That is the question that many are asking about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ahead of the next election. Despite the […]

Western conservatives’ efforts bridging the east-west divide (Part 1)

by Chris George

On autonomy, Premier Danielle Smith reasons that what is good for Quebec should also be good for Alberta. Pictured: Alberta Premier Danielle Smith. Photo Credit: Danielle Smith/X.  As a progressive ideologue whose government is single-mindedly pursing a globalist’s climate policy agenda, even at the expense of Canada’s resource industries’ competitiveness and the country’s prosperity, Prime […]

Trudeau’s democracy-free, capital gains hike

by Franco Terrazzano

Essentially, Trudeau is getting unelected bureaucrats to impose tax hikes on Canadians. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X.  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s capital gains tax hike is full of pain, but free of democracy. Trudeau has every intention of ramming through the hike without a vote in Parliament. The capital gains tax […]

  Down in the polls already and with potential leadership candidates waiting in the wings, Trudeau may just fall victim to a disgruntled caucus. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X. What will the summer hold for the Prime Minister? The dog days of summer are on the horizon and finger-pointing and name-calling […]

Another week of the Trudeau government’s rot

by Chris George

Longtime Ottawa observers marvel at the Trudeau government’s ability to carry on in the face of multiple scandals and flagrant breaches of public trust. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X.  There were reports released of parliamentarians that are knowingly collaborating with foreign governments, Liberal-friendly companies being routinely contracted hundreds of millions of […]

Singh and the NDP must seize this time to turn up the political heat and prepare for the electoral battle ahead. Pictured: NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh. Photo Credit: Jagmeet Singh/X.  As students wrap up their studies, the sun is shining and the days growing longer, summer is knocking at the door. Soon to also be […]

Trudeau Liberals’ immigration policies purposefully altering Canada

by Chris George

The Liberals’ immigration plan comes with an untold cost. Pictured: Immigration Minister Marc Miller. Photo Credit: Marc Miller/X.  Canada’s Immigration Minister, Marc Miller, has commanded center stage in Ottawa over the past few weeks making a rash of new policy announcements. The changes being made to Canada’s immigration system will make it easier for newcomers […]

When politicians gamble, taxpayers lose

by Jay Goldberg

Politicians should be focusing on creating the right environment for any company, large or small, to grow without a government handout. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X.  Politicians are rolling the dice on the electric vehicle industry with your money. If they bet wrong, and there’s a good chance they have, hardworking […]

Countdown to chaos: Trudeau’s race against time

by Daniel Perry

  The government’s biggest challenge will be a Conservative Party that is eager to gum up the works even if it means sitting late into June. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X. With time ticking down, the government has a number of key pieces of legislation on the docket to handle before […]

Will Canada sign the WHO Pandemic Treaty next week?

by Chris George

Mere days before the Canadian delegation leaves for Geneva, there has been no official word on the government’s position and its intention with respect to signing the treaty. Pictured: Health Minister Mark Holland. Photo Credit: Mark Holland/X.  Beginning Monday the international community gathers in Geneva, Switzerland at the 77th World Health Assembly, where the member […]

Trudeau talks out of both sides of mouth on Team Canada relationship

by Josie Sabatino

The public would do well to remember that the Trudeau government would like nothing more than to fight another election by painting their enemy as Trump in-waiting. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X.  Right now, all (proverbial) roads in the United States lead to the upcoming presidential election in November. With campaign […]

Trudeau turns to division in attempting to rescue his political fortunes

by Janet Ecker

Good leaders heal divisions; they should not stoke them in search of political gain. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X.  For a politician that likes to chide others for being divisive, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is certainly providing a master class in how to divide a population. Who can forget his comments […]

24 facts for 2024 that reflect Trudeau’s Canada: Part Two

by Chris George

Canada is in a sorry state after eight-and-a-half years of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X. Here are 24 facts for 2024 that reflect the state of the country, that is Canada after eight-and-a-half years of Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister. 15. Bankruptcies Up: Business insolvencies are spiking […]

Twenty-four facts for 2024 that reflect Trudeau’s Canada

by Chris George

Canada is in a sorry state after eight-and-a-half years of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X. Here are 24 facts for 2024 that reflect the state of the country, that is Canada after eight-and-a-half years of Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister. 1. Trillion-Plus Dollar National Debt: In 2015 […]

Capital gains: Taxing times for Canadian affordability

by Daniel Perry

The Liberals are calculating that the Tories will oppose the capital gains increase and play into the narrative that the Conservatives are the party of the rich. Pictured: Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Photo Credit: Chrystia Freeland/X. Last week, the federal government introduced legislation that would advance their plans outlined in the budget. Broadly, the legislation […]

The Trudeau Liberals’ circus act is burying serious issues

by Chris George

The Liberals took to the airwaves and social media Tuesday and Wednesday to denounce Conservatives as “conspiracy theorists.” Pictured: House Speaker Greg Fergus. Photo Credit: Parliament of Canada.  Exchanges in Parliament’s main theatre, the House of Commons, devolved this week into a mayhem more suited for under a circus big top. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau […]

Instead of presenting a plan to attract capital investments, increase productivity and create good jobs, we are left with a patchwork of spending promises that rely on Canada’s professional class to foot the bill. Pictured: Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Photo Credit: Chrystia Freeland/X.  Of all the commitments made in the federal budget, changes to the […]

The capital gains con job

by Catherine Swift

All of the serious problems facing the Canadian economy will be worsened by this change in capital gains taxes. Pictured: Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Photo Credit: Chrystia Freeland/X. Last week’s federal budget contained many elements that were negative for Canada – a massive deficit, growing national debt, debt service costs that are exceeding health-care expenses […]

Data Wild West: Canadian political parties’ privacy practices under fire

by Daniel Perry

Canadians’ data deserves to be protected and consent should be required when political parties harvest data. Pictured: Attorney General and Minister of Justice Arif Virani. Photo Credit: Arif Virani/X. In an era where data shapes the very fabric of elections, the oversight into how Canadian federal political parties collect and utilize voter data remains shockingly […]

This year’s budget missed the mark and should serve as the final nail in the coffin on Trudeau’s tenure in office. Pictured: Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Photo Credit: Chrystia Freeland/X.  “Right now, for too many young Canadians, the promise of Canada, the kind of Canada that older Canadians came of age in, it doesn’t feel […]

The Trudeau Liberals’ 2024 “scorched earth” budget

by Chris George

Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives may soon assume office to assess how to make the most of what is left of the country’s scorched earth. Pictured: Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Photo Credit: Chrystia Freeland/X.  A scorched earth approach refers to an intent to deliberately destroy everything as one retreats, so that your advancing opponent is […]

 If there is one lesson to be taken away from this public inquiry exercise, it’s this: we shouldn’t wait until interference campaigns are successful to notify Canadians of what is happening in their electoral districts. Pictured: Former Liberal MP Han Dong. Photo Credit: Han Dong/X. After more than a year of speculation and unnamed sources […]

O Canada, we (do not!) stand on guard for thee

by Chris George

The hollow promises found within the latest defence document will not reassure Canada’s allies, certainly do not deter our adversaries, and they should not comfort Canadians. Pictured: National Defence Minister Bill Blair. Photo Credit: Bill Blair/X. One of the most important duties of any federal government is to provide adequate national defence for the protection […]

Trudeau’s bold budget strategy: A game-changer for Canadians?

by Daniel Perry

By making these types of pre-budget announcements, the government can take control of the news cycle and keep their issues in the spotlight. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X.  With the federal budget set for next Tuesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government have been busy traveling across Canada to preview what citizens can expect. […]

  One of the reasons to do budget announcements ahead of schedule is because the Trudeau government knows that bad news stands to overshadow any of the messages that the Liberals are hoping will resonate with Canadians. Pictured: Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Photo Credit: Chrystia Freeland/X.  The great federal budget roadshow of 2024 is in […]

Liberal and NDP MPs feathering their nests before facing the public

by Chris George

The backbench MP now makes three-and-a-half times more than the average Canadian. Cabinet ministers make more than five times, and the Prime Minister eight times that of the average Canadian. Pictured: NDP leader Jagmeet Singh with Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew. Photo Credit: Jagmeet Singh/X.  The recent news from Ottawa regarding the pay raises and the […]

Mind the bloat

by Catherine Swift

  Either the federal government and all provinces must begin cutting back the public sector and spending, or we will face another crisis like we did in 1995. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X.   It was very clear that government size and spending increased substantially during the pandemic. After all, it […]

Carbon price consensus crumbles as tax increase set to kick in next week

by Josie Sabatino

So far, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has refused to cede ground. On Wednesday, he accused Conservative premiers of misleading Canadians. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and Minister of Emergency Preparedness Harjit Sajjan. Photo Credit: Harjit Sajjan/X.  The federal carbon tax is dead in the water and there is no Hail Mary […]

Canada’s economic decline is about to get serious for all of us

by Chris George

Today, Canada’s productivity is now at the very bottom of the G7 Nations. Photo Credit: iStock. Recently published economic statistics and analysis have disclosed that the country’s current economy and the future prosperity of Canadians are not promising. The latest dire assessment came this week when Carolyn Rogers, the number two official at the Bank […]

Brian Mulroney’s legacy lives on

by Janet Ecker

Watching the many eulogies at former prime minister Brian Mulroney’s funeral this past weekend, reading and listening to the deluge of commentary from journalists and public figures, past and present, what shines through is a man, whose life and career mattered in ways that have shaped and will continue to shape our country’s future. Pictured: […]

Foreign policy turns out to be the wedge issue Liberals never saw coming

by Josie Sabatino

  While a series of eleventh-hour amendments significantly watered down the original NDP motion and saved the Liberal government from having to deal with the fallout of a wedged caucus, the cracks in the foundation were plain as day for anyone to observe. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X.   Imagine for a moment that you’re the […]

Political rhetoric aside, Liberals’ carbon tax is just another tax

by Chris George

The Trudeau government will continue with its charade that it is reducing emissions, and their carbon pricing rebate is benefiting Canadian families. Photo Credit: PMO.   Canadians are mere weeks away from the federal government once again hiking the carbon tax on gas pump prices and home heating fuel. The debate on the need to […]

Pension changes ill-advised

by Catherine Swift

It would be better if CEOs took aim at all of the bad Trudeau government policies that are damaging the investment climate rather than trying to jerry-rig pension investment rules which will not fix the fundamental problems. Pictured: Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Photo Credit: Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld.  Last week just under 100 CEOs of major […]

Canada’s own “March Madness”

by Chris George

This week, Canadians were treated to Canada’s own version of “March Madness,” the political frenzy created when 39 federal cabinet ministers fan out over the country to conduct more than 100 press conferences – with many re-announcements of federal funding. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Photo Credit: PMO/Adam Scotti.   […]

Tory divisions flare after Durham by-election win

by Janet Ecker

In this current era of hyper-partisan political theatre, voters want politicians who can find solutions to their problems and not just score political points. Pictured: Newly elected MP Jamil Jivani, former Ontario health minister Christine Elliott, Premier Doug Ford and Energy Minister Todd Smith. Photo Credit: CityNews.  Usually, political by-election winners make a breathless victory […]

Budget 2024: Rainy day savings or a splashy spending spree?

by Daniel Perry

With limited tools in her toolbox, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland has a challenge on her hands to deliver a budget that works for Canadians while not overspending. Pictured: Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Photo Credit: The Canadian Press/Cole Burston.  Save for a rainy day or spend like a sailor on a night on the town? That […]

Canada remains in crosshairs as U.S. presidential race remains a coin toss

by Josie Sabatino

  Nothing exposes Canada’s weaknesses quite like a conversation with our closest neighbor and ally. While the reality is that size and geography all but guarantee the U.S. remains in the driver’s seat on critical negotiation, it is incumbent on our political leaders to anticipate the challenges coming down the pipeline. Pictured: Former U.S. president […]

Economic storm clouds ahead

by Catherine Swift

The bottom line is our economy is in significant trouble, largely as a result of bad government policy at the federal level. Photo Credit: Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press.  As much as it may seem otherwise, economists don’t really take any pleasure in delivering bad economic news. That being said, individuals, families and businesses need to […]

The on-going cover-up concerning the Winnipeg and Wuhan labs

by Chris George

What was once only suspected and labeled as a racism-fueled conspiracy theory by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has now become “most probable” given the facts and admissions made public this past week. Pictured: The Government of Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Photo Credit: Metro/Winnipeg Architecture Foundation. Canadians are now learning about the gain-of-function […]

Prairies pack a punch to Ottawa

by Catherine Swift

Alberta and Saskatchewan have courageously taken a leadership role within Canada on these issues for some time, and the rest of the country owes them a debt of gratitude. Pictured: Saskatchewan Minister of Crown Investments Corporation. Photo Credit: Regina Leader-Post/Troy Fleece. This week has been very eventful in terms of Alberta and Saskatchewan pushing back […]

Accountability is nowhere to be found despite new details on ArriveCan scandal

by Josie Sabatino

The unfortunate reality is that the ArriveCan scandal will result in more studies and more recommendations that are unlikely to result in any meaningful change to prevent future instances of abuse of taxpayer dollars. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Treasury Board President Anita Anand. Photo Credit: Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld. It’s been said that democracy […]

Canada’s defence dilemma: Swinging for the fences or playing it safe?

by Daniel Perry

  The debate intensifies as NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg urges Canada to provide a concrete timeline for meeting the spending target. Stoltenberg emphasizes the importance of demonstrating intent and commitment to collective security. Photo Credit: AFP/Toms Norde via Getty Images. If money talks, then Canada is pretty quiet about national defence. While some of […]

Liberal-NDP electoral reform legislation for the 2025 election – watch for it

by Chris George

The political backrooms of the Liberals and NDPs are currently negotiating these measures behind closed doors. Their intent is to introduce electoral reform legislation this year to be implemented for the upcoming election – and, plainly, to allow for new campaign tactics that may improve their parties’ fortunes. Pictured: NDP leader Jagmeet Singh. Photo Credit: […]

Federal budget timing coincides with fragile economic conditions

by Josie Sabatino

This will mark the second budget delivered with Pierre Poilievre occupying the leader’s seat for the official Opposition and the third budget tabled under the Liberal-NDP confidence and supply agreement. There is also a remote possibility this may be the last budget before the next federal election. Pictured is Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Photo Credit: […]

Trudeau’s real problem is policy, not comms

by Franco Terrazzano

Trudeau’s problem isn’t that Canadians don’t know what his government is doing. His problem is Canadians know exactly what his government is doing and don’t support it. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault. Photo Credit: PMO.   You can put lipstick on a hog and call it Monica, but it’s still a […]

The economic disaster that is Justin Trudeau

by Catherine Swift

All governments promise more than they ultimately deliver, but with the Trudeau gang we can safely say Canadians were really sold an enormous lie. Photo Credit: PMO/Adam Scotti.   It’s no surprise to anyone but the most deluded Liberal partisans that the policies of the Trudeau government have been a disaster for Canada’s economy. But […]

Steven Guilbeault hasn’t forgotten his activist past, and neither should you

by Josie Sabatino

Even if Guilbeault is asked for his opinion at the cabinet table, he’s unlikely to be met with anything less than a complete dressing down based on the communications crisis he has managed to create for the staff in charge of cleaning up his mess. Photo Credit: X/Steven Guilbeault.    Never one to miss an […]

Another scandal – perhaps “the last nail in the coffin”

by Chris George

Canadian historians often cite Sir John A. Macdonald’s government as being the country’s most scandalous administration. However, the current Liberal administration may be rewriting the history books in this regard. Photo Credit: Getty Images/Andrej Ivanov.    “This is probably some of the worst financial record-keeping that I’ve seen… Overall, this audit shows a glaring disregard […]

Red rover, red rover, we call your caucus members over

by Daniel Perry

A couple of week ago, the federal Conservatives poached one of Premier Doug Ford’s provincial cabinet ministers, Parm Gill, for the upcoming federal election. The unexpected departure has prompted concerns within the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party about the potential for more defections. Pictured: Federal Conservative Milton candidate Parm Gill and Premier Doug Ford. Photo Credit: […]

The latest political numbers out of Ottawa

by Chris George

This scribe has long held that Justin Trudeau will take the opportunity of Feb. 29, 2024, to repeat his father’s exit from the Prime Minister’s Office. Not one to pass by the theatrical drama of the leap year date, Justin Trudeau will want to recast his spot and his family’s name in Canadian political history. […]

Building blocks of a future Poilievre government begin to take shape

by Josie Sabatino

To the Conservatives’ credit, they aren’t looking for validation from the armchair quarterbacks in Ottawa. It’s a numbers game at this point, a fact that Poilievre and his team understand well. One need only follow his tracks to know exactly where and how he plans to pick up seats in the next election. As for […]

Trudeau not doing the little things to make life affordable

by Franco Terrazzano

The Trudeau government doesn’t need an expensive get-away in Montreal to figure out how to make life more affordable. There’s a simple solution: stop taking so much money from Canadians. Photo Credit: Reuters/Carlos Osorio.   Figuring out how to make life more affordable for Canadians shouldn’t be like unravelling Einstein’s theory of relativity.  If Prime […]

Liberals putting lipstick on “a very ugly carbon tax pig”

by Chris George

Still, the defiant way Trudeau and his ministers lashed out at the Conservatives this week suggests there is no moving the Liberals on providing carbon tax relief to financially stressed Canadians. As this debate in Ottawa unfolds, Canadians must simply brace themselves for more carbon tax increases on April 1. Photo Credit: Ryan Remiorz.    […]

And just like that… Parliament is back

by Daniel Perry

As the curtains rise on the 2024 Parliamentary session, the political stage is set for a gripping showdown. With the Liberals and Conservatives locked in a battle for public trust, the NDP strategically positioning themselves for influence, and the idea of an election lofting in the air, this year promises to be a busy year […]

Trudeau must face problems once reserved for the Conservative Party

by Josie Sabatino

While Trudeau may think the action of appealing and admitting no fault on the use of the Emergencies Act is what his voter base wants from him, the fact of the matter is he risks alienating the Canadians who increasingly think the federal government is not functioning as it should. Photo Credit: The Canadian Press/Sean […]

The boom falls on CEBA

by Catherine Swift

Small business owners are a resilient bunch and will ideally cope with the less-than-stellar economic conditions anticipated for the next year or two. If nothing else, this experience will inform businesses further about the dangers of believing government is trying to help. Photo Credit: The Canadian Press/Nathan Denette.    This week was the deadline for […]

Trudeau government’s policies exacerbating Canadians’ affordability crisis

by Chris George

After eight years of the Trudeau Liberal government managing the Canadian economy, Canadians are in the throes of a cost-of-living crisis. While this crisis is being felt by citizens in countries around the world, the Trudeau government’s policies are exacerbating the tight financial situation most Canadians find themselves in. Pictured are Prime Minister Justin Trudeau […]

The NDP has an opportunity to point to progressive policies to show Canadians that their bold ideas work for the betterment of all. While at the same time, creating a window to entice disenfranchised Liberal voters to join the NDP with their bold and proven ideas. Photo of NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh. Photo Credit: Jagmeet […]

Once the NDP is back in the black and on safe financial footing, it wouldn’t be surprising to see Singh start to put a safe distance between his party and the governing Liberals, who have demonstrated an inability in recent months to strike a cohesive message on the economic issues currently plaguing cash-strapped Canadians. Photo […]

The number one issue for Canadians in 2024: The unaffordable cost of living

by Chris George

There is a pervasive worry about the unaffordable cost of living. The bromides offered by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the governing Liberals provide no relief for individuals and families challenged with the basics of life: putting food on the table and a roof over their heads. Photo Credit: Chris Wattle/Reuters. Canadians enter this year […]

Another expensive fiasco waiting to happen

by Catherine Swift

 As it seems we will have this clandestine Liberal government in Ottawa for at least some time to come, the best we can do is to publicize their plans and raise the alarm as to what this will mean for Canadian taxpayers and how, as usual, no cost-benefit analyses have been done. Unfortunately, the news […]

New year? Same old vacation controversy for Justin Trudeau

by Josie Sabatino

True leadership means learning and growing in the position Canadians have entrusted you with. In this case, the Prime Minister continues to flaunt the old rule of do as I say, not as I do. Pictured is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: The Canadian Press.    Oh, the tangled web we weave. It’s not […]

Some New Year’s resolutions for our politicians in 2024

by Janet Ecker

To all of our political leaders: please pledge to work with each other, regardless of your ideological bent, to find solutions to the many problems we face.  Photo credit: Freepik   With January 1st comes the time-honoured tradition of making New Year’s resolutions.  What might some of those resolutions look like for our governments? First […]

Top Three Stories of 2023 from the Nation’s Capital

by Chris George

From concerns about Chinese Communist Party influence to record-breaking immigration numbers and Canadians’ declining standard of living, the past year has left a significant impact, prompting a mix of sentiments as the nation prepares to bid farewell to 2023. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld  As the New Year’s countdown draws near, let us consider […]

A Complicated, Messy Dental Plan

by Catherine Swift

Government introduces the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP), a $13 billion initiative with complex eligibility rules and phased implementation. Questions arise over administrative hurdles, income-linked co-payments, and its potential impact on healthcare costs. Photo Credit: Pexels The federal government just released the details around their much-heralded dental plan, and is it ever a complicated mess. […]

Look out for major tax hikes in 2024

by Jay Goldberg

Trudeau’s 2024 tax hikes, including increased payroll taxes and higher CPP contributions, will cost the average $80,000 earner an extra $507 annually. Meanwhile, Ontario’s promised income tax cut by Premier Doug Ford remains undelivered, leaving taxpayers grappling with increased financial strain amid rising expenses. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Tara Walton   Prime Minister Justin Trudeau […]

Post-COP28, Canada’s divisive stance on oil and gas emissions surfaces as the government unveils a cap-and-trade system. Political dissent brews as Conservatives criticize job losses, while the NDP deems the plan insufficient, highlighting the uphill battle facing the government in implementing emissions regulations. Photo Credit: PMO   As the world’s largest climate conference, the Conference […]

Canada is an Unserious Country

by Catherine Swift

Canada’s support for the UN ceasefire motion in the Israel-Hamas conflict draws criticism, sparking debate over policy shifts and principles amidst global perspectives. Photo Credit: Eduardo Muñoz/Reuters   Weak men make for hard times. Trudeau and his Liberal government are largely composed of weak men and women, incapable of doing the right thing if the […]

Another Net Zero Shoe Drops

by Catherine Swift

Trudeau government faces criticism over disjointed climate policies, with multiple layers of taxes and regulations raising confusion and difficulties for compliance in the energy sector. Photo credit: Cenovus Energy   The long-awaited “emissions cap” that had been foreshadowed for months by Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault was finally announced at the COP28 meeting in Dubai this […]

Canada at COP28: The Burning Ring of Fire

by Daniel Perry

UN Climate Conference COP28 kicks off, highlighting the clash between urgent emission cutbacks and the reliance on oil and gas sectors, notably significant for Canada. Photo Credit: Facebook/ Steven Guilbeault   Last week, the biggest United Nations climate conference, Conference of Parties (COP) 28, kicked off in the United Arab Emirates. Over the next few […]

Poilievre sparring with another journalist is much ado about nothing

by Josie Sabatino

In the midst of political clashes, Canada grapples with significant judiciary gaps and electoral vulnerability. Photo credit: Pierre Poilievre   Much to the mainstream media’s chagrin, it turns out 2023 was not the year civility returned to political discourse. Last Thursday, Conservative Leader Pierre once again found himself in a war of words with a […]

Is Diversity Our Strength?

by Catherine Swift

Recent survey results indicate a shift in Canadian perceptions of diversity and immigration, fueling discussions on societal values and integration. Photo Credit: Pexels Canada has long been known as a multicultural nation which has always welcomed immigration. Indeed, we are literally a country of immigrants, except for our First Nations citizens. Throughout our history, we […]

CPP Investment Risks Rise

by Catherine Swift

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) undergoes a significant evolution, shifting from a traditional approach to investment towards a more politically aligned strategy, sparking concerns among investors about its impact on financial returns. Photo: The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld   It seems that it’s not your father’s CPP anymore. For the first few decades of its existence, […]

With Canadians losing confidence in Trudeau, his legacy as Prime Minister hangs in the balance amid dwindling support and caucus unrest. Photo: SEAN KILPATRICK / THE CANADIAN PRESS   Justin Trudeau is in trouble. His polling numbers are at rock bottom, his caucus is losing faith in him, and some don’t even want him as […]

Corporate Welfare Disaster – Again

by Catherine Swift

Photo: Pexels Who would ever have thought that the massive subsidies that the federal and some provincial governments are providing with our tax dollars to giant Electric Vehicle (EV) battery plants would become so controversial, so soon? According to some recent news revelations, it seems like pretty much everyone with a brain.  So far, the […]

Big Win for Plastics Industry

by Catherine Swift

Photo Credit: Pexels   The Federal Court delivered a big win to the plastics industry this week – and a big loss for Environment and Climate Change Canada Minister Steven Guilbeault.  For several years, the federal government has waged a virtue-signalling war on plastics, banning a number of plastic products such as plastic cutlery, checkout […]


by Catherine Swift

COP28 Climate Summit in Dubai braces for a showdown over unmet COP21 goals and industry defiance. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick Oh joy, oh bliss. Another climate change conference will soon be upon us, this time held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates – that bastion of human rights & women’s rights – from November […]

Fall Economic Statement unlikely to bring relief for cash-strapped Liberals

by Josie Sabatino

Photo Credit:  Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press   As the first snow descends on many cities across Ontario this week, parliamentarians head into the third quarter of the fall session of parliament. In just a couple of weeks, lights will adorn the walkways in the Ottawa precinct and Christmas parties will serve as a welcome distraction […]

Liberals’ carbon tax is an oppressive, ineffectual tax

by Chris George

Gudie Hutchings, Liberal Minister for Rural Economic Development, comments surrounding Trudeau’s carbon tax reversal sparks controversy and questions about priorities. Photo Credit: Twitter/ctvqp   If anything, the events of the past two weeks have revealed the Liberals’ carbon tax is a political ploy and not a tool to fight climate change as they claim it […]

Economic Freedom on the Decline in Canada

by Catherine Swift

Photo Credit: Fraser Institute   It’s been hard to miss all of the negative news on the Canadian economy lately. As such, it probably won’t come as a surprise to many Canadians that this year’s survey results on Economic Freedom that were made public this week find an ongoing deterioration in virtually all Canadian provinces […]

Feds Take Note – Ontario is Ready to Build and Why Aren’t You?

by Daniel Perry

Photo Credit: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Cole Burston   Last week, the Ontario government released their Fall Economic Update providing Ontarians with a sneak peek into how their money is being spent. Rumour around Ottawa is that Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland should be releasing Canada’s fiscal update any week now.  Like in the school yard when someone […]

Conservatives hang hat on ‘axe the tax’ election referendum

by Josie Sabatino

The next federal election is shaping up as a crucial decision point for the Carbon Tax Debate. Photo Credit: Facebook/ Pierre Poilievre   Is the next federal election the political backdrop for a referendum on the carbon tax? If Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has his way, the answer is yes. He’d like to see Canadians […]

Time to Rein in the Unions

by Catherine Swift

Canadian unions under fire for supporting Hamas: calls for reform in financial transparency and member choice. Photo: Flicker Labour unions have had a very comfortable time in Canada for decades, but recent events have confirmed that it is past time to rein in their extracurricular activities. Most Canadians have been appalled by the pro-Hamas stance […]

There’s a lot to unpack with the Liberals’ immigration plans

by Chris George

Immigration Minister Marc Miller announces Canada’s new immigration targets, keeping them at a historic high for the next three years. Photo Credit: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick   Immigration Minister Marc Miller was centre stage in Ottawa this week announcing the government’s new immigration targets for the next three years. Miller’s revelation was that the new […]

Liberals Say the Quiet Part Out Loud

by Catherine Swift

Gudie Hutchings, Liberal Minister for Rural Economic Development, comments surrounding Trudeau’s carbon tax reversal sparks controversy and questions about priorities. Photo Credit: Twitter/ctvqp Just in case anyone thought the Liberals were really concerned about climate change and in full support of all their many absurdly punitive so-called climate policies which ensure low- and middle-income Canadians […]

UBI Strikes Again!

by Catherine Swift

The debate over Universal Basic Income (UBI) reignites in Canada as Senate and House Bills Emerg. Photo credit: Senate of Canada.   The seemingly endless debate about Universal Basic Income (UBI) has become current once again in Canada as the Senate’s Finance Committee has undertaken to study a Bill intended to create a national framework […]

How Trudeau appeases caucus divided on Israel-Hamas war is anyone’s guess

by Josie Sabatino

Whether he likes it or not, Trudeau can no longer rule his caucus with an iron fist. Photo credit: The Canadian Press.   Arguably, there are few politicians as well acquainted with a wedge issue as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is. After all, it’s been a key part of his re-election strategy for the past […]

CCP’s undue influence in Canada remains the elephant in the room

by Chris George

Concerns rise as inquiry on foreign influence lingers amid growing CCP-Canada tensions. Photo Credit: Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press   “China’s goal is not to replicate the crude imperialism of the European, or even the American, type, but to create vassal states — subordinate countries that rule themselves but are expected to kowtow on command.”  – Joel […]

Liberal consensus on costly carbon tax cracks

by Jay Goldberg

Until recently no one in the Trudeau government’s Liberal caucus was willing to stand up and tell the truth on carbon taxes. Newfoundland and Labrador MP Ken McDonald (pictured) finally broke that trend. Photo credit: Facebook/Ken McDonald   The dam has finally broken in the Liberal caucus with some MPs starting to admit the federal […]

Supreme Court strikes blow to Liberal climate agenda

by Daniel Perry

Uphill battle for Canada’s environmental policy continues. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick   Another week, another challenge for the governing Liberals in Ottawa. To say 2023 has not been the Liberals’ year would be an understatement, as they cannot seem to catch a break. Earlier this month, the government was delivered another blow to […]

The false promise of pharmacare

by Catherine Swift

A look at the facts suggests that mucking around with the existing Canadian pharmacare system is a bad idea. Photo credit: People Images/Getty Images   Among all the other hot topics in our world today, the issue of pharmacare will likely be a key part of discussions in Ottawa at least until the end of […]

Pharmacare may prove to be red line in the sand on Jagmeet Singh’s leadership

by Josie Sabatino

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh. Photo credit: Twitter/Jagmeet Singh   The Liberal-NDP supply and confidence agreement will go down in future history books as one of the greatest political achievements of the Trudeau government. Since the agreement was socialized more than a year and a half ago, it’s all but guaranteed the Prime Minister a pass […]

A plea to a debt ladened government on behalf of strained Canadians

by Chris George

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld   In an open letter to Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland this week, the Business Council of Canada took the extraordinary step to make a public plea to the federal government to resist making any new spending promises or dole out additional funding in the fall […]

Of the celebrations for Hamas in Canada

by Chris George

This proved to be a week of many revelations for Canadians, prompting many to question the character of our country and its citizenry. Pictured: Pro-Palestinian protestors take to the streets of Montreal on Oct. 8, 2023, mere hours after Hamas launched its initial assault on Israel. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Graham Hughes   The world […]

Will the Liberal government finally see the light on the economic front and do its fair share to curb Canadians’ financial pain? President of the Treasury Board Anita Anand (pictured, right) has signalled she’s at least willing to try. Photo credit: Facebook/Anita Anand   Thanksgiving weekend tends to mark the gathering of friends and family […]

Talking turkey this Thanksgiving weekend

by Chris George

Top of mind for many Canadians this holiday weekend will certainly be the abysmal state of the economy and the soaring cost of living. Photo credit: Getty Images/GMVozd   Elianna Lev, reporter for Yahoo Canada News, caused quite a stir this week when she wrote a news article on the Toronto-based grocery chain Longo’s selling […]

More than diplomatic harm done to Canada

by Catherine Swift

Growing tensions between India and Canada have the potential to significantly diminish trade exports and damage the Canadian economy, with Saskatchewan likely to take the biggest hit. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick   In the last 10 days or so, the focus has been on the harm to Canada’s international reputation as a result […]

‘Affordability’ is Ottawa’s new buzzword, but does it mean anything?

by Daniel Perry

Parliament returned last week, with the affordability crisis taking centre stage. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick   The boys and girls are back in town, and they’re ready to rumble.  Last week marked the return of Parliament, with politicians from across Canada back in Ottawa. Though the city’s mornings are colder and the ground […]

More supply management foolishness

by Catherine Swift

Photo credit: Pexels/Pixabay   It didn’t get a lot of attention, but New Zealand recently won a trade dispute with Canada over market access for dairy products under the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) trade agreement. The dispute centered around Canada blocking market access to the New Zealand dairy industry. The New […]

Domestic pressures may impact Canada’s ability to provide support to Ukraine

by Josie Sabatino

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, flanked by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland, with Ukrainian troops in Kyiv during a June 2023 visit. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Frank Gunn   On the heels of a highly anticipated speech to the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelenskyy […]

More union-friendly legislation from the Liberals

by Catherine Swift

The government wants to prevent the use of replacement workers in federally-regulated workplaces in the event of a strike. Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan (pictured) called the proposed legislation “one of the most monumental changes to collective bargaining in Canadian labour history.” Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld   Now that the federal House of Commons […]

Are you ready to rumble?

by Catherine Swift

Cross-country protest, counter-protest regarding teaching of gender ideology in schools planned for this week. Photo credit: Getty Images   This is going to be one interesting week. Across Canada, opponents of radical gender ideology in our public school systems have organized a so-called “1 Million March for Children”. The key person behind this march is […]

Shocking First Nations’ lifespan data

by Catherine Swift

The average life expectancy of a First Nations man in Alberta has dropped to 60 years old. Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons   It was truly shocking to recently discover that in the period from 2015 to 2021, the average lifespan of First Nations’ people in Alberta decreased by seven years. In 2015, the life expectancy […]

Supply and confidence agreement looks different in face of plummeting poll numbers

by Josie Sabatino

With the Conservative poll numbers resembling a ‘runaway freight train’, and the Liberals in save the furniture mode, you have to wonder what is going through the minds of Jagmeet Singh and the NDP. Photo credit: Twitter/Jagmeet Singh   The summer has come and gone, and next week will usher in the fall session of […]

Confidence in Conservatives continues to grow, especially among younger voters

by Daniel Perry

Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre. Photo credit: Twitter/Pierre Poilievre   There is something odd going on with the Conservative Party. And no, it is not that over 2,500 of the party’s faithful willingly travelled to Quebec last week for their policy convention, a province that tends not to be overall friendly towards Conservatives. Instead, for […]

A winning convention

by Catherine Swift

The Conservatives held their first in-person convention in five years this past weekend. On effectively every front, it was a smashing success. Photo credit: Twitter/Pierre Poilievre   The Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) policy convention in Quebec City wound up Saturday night after a very successful two and a half days of policy discussions, voting […]

Conservative convention has lively start

by Catherine Swift

Anti-woke retired Lt.-Gen Michel Maisonneuve delivers keynote address at the Conservative Party’s policy convention on Sept. 7, 2023. Photo credit: YouTube/CPAC   The Conservative Party of Canada is having its policy convention over the next few days, and it got off to a lively start Thursday evening with keynote speaker Michel Maisonneuve, retired Lt.-Gen and […]

Pierre Poilievre finds himself centre stage and ready to meet the moment

by Josie Sabatino

Poilievre has a rare opportunity to set the agenda, not simply respond to the circumstances around him. Photo credit: Twitter/Pierre Poilievre   When you think of Canada’s conservative heartland, rarely does the mind conjure the cobblestone streets and rolling hills of Quebec City. And yet here we are, on day two of the Conservative Party […]

More bad news on the economic front – and some good news!

by Catherine Swift

Photo credit: Getty Images   I’m starting to feel guilty. It’s not fun to continue to report bad news on the economy, but unfortunately there’s not much else out there right now. All economies run in cycles, and it certainly appears we are entering into a declining phase of that cycle at present. The unusual […]

A Labour Day 2023 snapshot of the working Canadian

by Chris George

All the numbers you need to know to understand the average Canadian’s financial plight during these trying times. Photo credit: Pexels/Mikhail Nilov   As Canadians enter the holiday weekend, many are financially stressed and worried about what the fall will bring for their household. To put the lot of a working Canadian into proper perspective, […]

What do the New York Yankees and Justin Trudeau’s government have in common?

by Daniel Perry

Photo credit: Getty Images/Andrej Ivanov   Well, they are both teams made up of well-paid and talented people who are having a lousy summer. Both were once the gold standard of winning, a machine really that no matter what they did was having success and now they both seem to string together a win.  Besides […]

PM and Liberals misinform with divisive rhetoric and ingenuine arguments

by Chris George

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (left) and former cabinet minister Catherine McKenna (right) were both out front of the Liberals’ recent offensive using ingenuine arguments that were deliberately confusing the facts and misinforming Canadians. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Justin Tang and Reuters/Chris Wattie   With each new opinion poll revealing PM Justin Trudeau and his government […]

Complex wildfires have no simple solution

by Catherine Swift

Politicization of the issue from both sides doesn’t help the problem. Pictured is the ongoing wildfire in Kelowna, BC. Photo credit: AFP/Darren Hull via Getty Images   Once again, the politicization of an issue deters the achievement of workable solutions. The latest example is Canada’s profusion of wildfires this summer in many parts of Canada. […]

All areas where the Liberals are particularly weak at the moment. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick    The face-to-face showdown between Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre is set to resume in just over a month’s time, and Canadians have spent the summer getting a preview of the issues that will top the agenda.  These […]

Here’s the Canadian news you have likely missed

by Chris George

The stories the legacy media won’t cover, like how investment is steering clear of Canada, or how Trudeau’s approach to law and order is increasing violent crime from coast to coast. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Nathan Denette   Canadians can be forgiven if they missed the latest news about the country’s state of economic and […]

Immigration emerges as potential wedge issue

by Daniel Perry

A recent opinion poll indicated four in ten Canadians would be more likely to vote for a party that advocates for reduced immigration. Photo credit: Toronto Metropolitan University   Immigration is not often a winning topic for politicians, especially if you’re a right-leaning leader. Just ask Stephen Harper how his response to immigration went in […]

Bully governments never work

by Catherine Swift

Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault is dead-set on imposing rigid, unrealistic climate objectives on the provinces. Photo credit: Twitter/Steven Guilbeault   If we ever wondered what it would be like to put a narrow-minded idealogue into a position of authority, we need wonder no more. Prior to Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault’s announcement last Thursday of the […]

Canadians’ midsummer night’s nightmare: part two

by Chris George

Over the past several months, finance minister Chrystia Freeland’s refrain in regard to the economy has been: “The reality is that Canada is a fantastic country and Canada is doing really well.” However, her bravado and confidence in her government’s fiscal prowess is not a true reflection of Canadians’ nightmarish reality. Photo credit: Twitter/Chrystia Freeland […]

Prime Minister in waiting depicted in new Conservative Party ads

by Josie Sabatino

Two of the ads depict Poilievre as a family man, with his wife narrating and his kids appearing in many of the frames. Image from September 2022. Photo credit: Twitter/Pierre Poilievre   It’s all coming up roses for Pierre Poilievre. Up in the polls and flush with cash, Poilievre is quickly approaching the one-year anniversary […]

Alberta acts as spoiler again

by Catherine Swift

By imposing a six-month moratorium on large-scale wind and solar projects in the province, Alberta is trying to avoid what Ontario – and many places around the world – found out the hard way. Photo credit: University of Minnesota   Late last week, Alberta’s United Conservative Party government announced that it is imposing a six-month […]

Though a traditionally safe riding for the federal Conservatives, Pierre Poilievre and his team increased their previous vote percentage and won two-thirds of ballots cast in Calgary Heritage last week, just days before an Abacus poll put the party a full 10 points ahead of the governing Liberals. Photo credit: Twitter/Pierre Poilievre   Last week, […]

The latest plastics scam

by Catherine Swift

The Liberals are now banning compostable plastic bags. Pictured (left) is Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault. Photo credit: Twitter/Steven Guilbeault    So many of the measures that have been forced upon Canadians by the Liberal government in the name of the climate are pointless and more about virtue signaling and pretending to do something than actually […]

About CBC and Justin Trudeau, and students and transgenderism

by Chris George

Prime Minister Trudeau at Toronto’s 2019 Pride parade. Photo credit: PMO/Adam Scotti   Somehow, someway in the past few years, the proper respect for individuals making personal choices about sex has become a debate about what sexual conversations can be had with preadolescent children without their parents’ knowledge. Our “forward thinking” Canadian society has become […]

Justin Trudeau unveils bait-and-switch cabinet with eyes toward next election

by Josie Sabatino

While the Prime Minister made a number of changes, finance, foreign affairs, industry, environment, and international trade remained in the hands of Trudeau’s band of untouchables, indicating no serious course correction at the top. Photo credit: Twitter/Justin Trudeau   The unveiling of Wednesday’s cabinet shuffle was somewhere between an episode of Game of Thrones and […]

We need politicians to be more accessible in the everyday lives of Canadians, not less. Politicians should not have to be fearful of engaging in public events, and parents shouldn’t have to be worried about whether it is safe to bring their kids to an event in their community. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Lars Hagberg   […]

Our intractable drug problem

by Catherine Swift

There doesn’t appear to be any one easy solution to the escalating issue. But one thing’s for certain: what we are doing now is clearly not working.    Drugs of one kind or another have been a serious problem in Canada for decades, but in recent years things seems to be getting considerably worse. Part […]

Canadians responding to blockbuster film ‘Sound of Freedom’

by Chris George

Still from the movie, which stars Jim Caviezel (pictured) as Tim Ballard, a man haunted by the horrors he has witnessed in his job investigating human-trafficking. Photo credit: Angel Studios   It is a summer scorcher: Sound of Freedom. One doesn’t have a pulse if unmoved by this “must-see” film. The movie deals with the […]

Canadian optimism for next generation collapses

by The Hamilton Independent

According to the latest iteration of a long-standing survey from Nanos, only 10 per cent of Canadians currently believe the next generation will have a higher standard of living than the present, while 65 per cent think it will be lower. There are several well-grounded reasons for this pessimism. Photo credit: Pexels/Gustavo Fring   For […]

Federal leaders, MPs test their message on the summer BBQ circuit

by Daniel Perry

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre (pictured) will spend the summer talking to everyday Canadians and testing out their respective messages to see what sticks. Photo credit: Twitter/Pierre Poilievre   Being in Ottawa for most of the year can leave federal politicians out of touch with reality and the thinking of everyday […]

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland back in January 2018. Photo credit: Associated Press/Markus Schreiber   Although it is not openly explained to Canadians, the Trudeau government is diligently introducing policies and programs authored by the World Economic Forum (WEF). The WEF global initiatives are championed in Canada by […]

Cabinet shuffle rumours abound as economy faces further setback

by Josie Sabatino

When thinking about who goes where, the Prime Minister would be wise to restore the role of Finance Minister to a singular, full-time position. Chrystia Freeland (pictured) has been putting in double time managing the country’s finances while also wearing the hat of Deputy Prime Minister for nearly two years. Photo credit: Facebook/Chrystia Freeland   […]

Put up your dukes

by Catherine Swift

Premier of Alberta Danielle Smith and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau faced off in Calgary last Friday ahead of the city’s famous rodeo festival. Although both behaved themselves at the meeting, it is clear the stage is being set for a major conflict between the federal government and Alberta. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Jeff McIntosh   […]

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland talks about the Liberal government’s one-time grocery rebate payment in Toronto, July 5, 2023. Note the ‘Making Life More Affordable’ podium sign. Photo credit: Twitter/Chrystia Freeland   With much of central Canada under a heat warning this week, many of us are now feeling the heat of the summer. However, it […]

Of late, the federal NDP has struggled to break through in Toronto. However, with a progressive champion like Olivia Chow at the helm, the party’s chances of picking up more seats in the vote-rich metropolis have likely increased. Chow’s victory may also prove advantageous for the Conservatives, as any seat that’s not a Liberal seat […]

Trudeau erasing Canadian history to achieve his post-national vision

by Chris George

Since taking power in 2015, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his allies have systematically sought to, at best, minimize and, at worst, expunge everything that makes Canada a unique and laudable nation. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Graham Hughes   Many Canadians now appreciate the full context of Justin Trudeau’s comment back in 2015, when he […]

Government of Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Photo credit: Metro/Winnipeg Architecture Foundation   There are multiple ways the country’s independence has been potentially compromised by Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) undue influence. Below is part two in a pair of articles counting down ten critical issues, which taken together establish a case for why Canadians […]

By-election results present Poilievre with first real test of leadership

by Josie Sabatino

The Conservatives and Liberals split Monday’s four by-elections two seats apiece. However, the Tories did considerably worse in the riding of Oxford – a Tory stronghold for many years – than decades past. Photo credit: Twitter/Pierre Poilievre   By-elections mean nothing. By-elections mean everything. Depending on your partisan leanings, you’ve probably already made up your […]

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised greater transparency upon coming to power. But under his watch, the public’s insight and access to the government’s inner-workings has become ever more limited. Photo credit: Reuters/Patrick Doyle   Riding into Ottawa on a red wave of excitement and a promise of “real change”, 2015 Liberals and then-newly elected Prime […]

Below is a countdown of five critical issues in a series of 10 which, taken together, establish a case for why Canadians must demand a thorough investigation of the relationship between the Trudeau government and the CCP. Photo credit: The Canadian Press   A week has passed since the PM’s special rapporteur David Johnston exited […]

If the objective was to go quietly into the night before the long summer recess, the Liberals have once again failed spectacularly. Ottawa has been abuzz with new and renewed controversy this week. Pictured is Minister of Public Safety Marco Mendicino in the House of Commons, June 14, 2023. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld […]

Canada currently has a serious crime problem resulting in many innocent victims, yet authorities seem determined to focus on the criminals, repeatedly letting them out on bail or reducing their security classification. Pictured is a 2018 photo of Doug and Donna French, parents of Kristen French, one of serial killer Paul Bernardo’s several victims. Photo […]

The Conservatives’ China policy (in stark contrast to the Liberals’)

by Chris George

When it comes to dealing with the issues of CCP influence in Canada, there is no ambiguity in the Conservatives policy approach. This is a marked difference to the political powerplays that the Liberals are currently orchestrating on Parliament Hill. Pictured is Conservative foreign affairs critic Michael Chong. Photo credit: Reuters/Chris Wattie   Earlier this […]

Poilievre capitalizes on economic woes while Trudeau hopes for summer reset

by Josie Sabatino

On the heels of another interest rate increase this week, Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre (pictured) took aim at the Trudeau government over both the carbon tax and its failure to balance the budget during a cost-of-living crisis. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld   It’s been nearly two years since the last federal election […]

Singh and Johnston continue to provide cover for Trudeau government

by Chris George

Together, the NDP leader (pictured) and hand-picked special rapporteur continue to allow PM Trudeau to stay in power, get away with everything he gets away with, and ultimately deny the Canadian people what they’re owed: answers. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Justin Tang   It has been another incredible week in the Nation’s Capital with many […]

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with then-Governor General of Canada David Johnston in 2015. Photo credit: Facebook/Justin Trudeau   For those who have been involved in politics, there is a handy “rulebook” – “how to defuse a political crisis 101.”   Too bad the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has not read it.   That is the […]

PBO report shows Ottawa’s carbon tax rhetoric was always bluster

by Jay Goldberg

Filling up the tank at the pumps and paying the home heating bill is set to get a whole lot more painful, with Trudeau’s second carbon tax ready to come into effect July 1. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Ryan Remiorz   We now know how much the Trudeau government’s carbon taxes will cost Ontario families […]

Dodging public inquiry puts Justin Trudeau’s re-election strategy at risk

by Josie Sabatino

The decision to accept David Johnston’s recommendation has not only been widely condemned, but it’s also managed to align the interests of the Conservatives, NDP and Bloc Quebecois in a rare show of solidarity. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick   It’s been nearly two years since Justin Trudeau won his way to a second […]

David Johnston kicks the can a little further down the road

by Chris George

Earlier this week, Johnston, former Governor General, current family friend of the Trudeaus, released his preliminary rapporteur report on Beijing’s interference into Canada’s internal affairs. Photo credit: CBC   Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s special rapporteur David Johnston issued his preliminary report this week and concluded that there is no need for a formal public inquiry […]

Rocky road ahead for migrants in Canada

by Daniel Perry

After closing a loophole in its Safe Third Country Agreement with the U.S., Canada successfully secured the infamous Roxham Road international crossing (pictured) earlier this spring. Image from 2017. Photo credit: AP/Charles Krupa   With the closure of Roxham Road and the repeal of Title 42 north and south of the border, respectively, it is […]

Drug treatment debate heats up

by Catherine Swift

  Across Canada, how best to approach drug abuse and its societal effects varies from person to person and province to province. But with increased addiction driving an increase in random acts of violence around the country, Canadians on both sides of the violence deserve an approach that works. Photo credit: Sandy Hill Community Health […]

Hiroshima plays host to G7 leaders summit and sets stage for uncertain future

by Josie Sabatino

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau arrives for G7 summit on Thursday in Hiroshima, Japan, site of the world’s first atomic attack. Russia-Ukraine war and growing threat of China high on weekend’s agenda. Photo credit: AP/Louise Delmotte   An old boss once gave me a sage piece of advice: it’s not about what you say, it’s about […]

Return of Donald Trump provides Liberals with playbook for next election

by Josie Sabatino

The Trudeau government has been down in the polls since 2021 and would like nothing more than to fight another election where they can paint their enemy as bringing ‘Trumpian’ politics to Canada. If the Liberals have it their way, a vote for Pierre Poilievre will mean a vote for Donald Trump. Photo credit: AP/Alex […]

Return to sunny ways

by Daniel Perry

Liberal Party faithful met in Ottawa last week for their first in-person national convention in five years. Justin Trudeau kicked off the festivities Thursday with a rousing speech designed to galvanize the base ahead of 2025. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Justin Tang   Marking the first in-person convention since 2018, Liberals from across Canada came […]

As the Globe and Mail recently revealed, Conservative MP for Wellington—Halton Hills Michael Chong (pictured) and his family in Hong Kong were targeted by the Chinese regime in 2021 for criticism of Beijing’s human rights abuses. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick   Politicians at all levels of government, be it the city councillor in […]

The censorship boom falls

by Catherine Swift

The Trudeau Liberals’ highly-controversial, long-scrutinized Internet censorship legislation, Bill C-11, quietly passed the Senate last Thursday on route to officially becoming law. While few seemed to notice, the Bill’s passing is a major legislative development that almost all Canadians should be concerned about. Photo credit: Facebook/Pablo Rodriguez   Justin Trudeau’s censorship legislation, Bill C-11, passed […]

Striking workers threat of holding ports of entry hostage must be firmly rebuked

by Josie Sabatino

Just as the trucker convoy protestors who halted the movement of goods and people at international border crossings last year did not have the right to do what they did, PSAC workers do not have the right to disrupt economic activity by striking at ports of entry. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick   The […]

Ottawa entitlements vs. everyday Canadians’

by Daniel Perry

It is hard to compete with the perks of being a federal politician. Between the pay, pension, publicity, expense account, office budget, domestic and international travel, and staff, an elected MP basically does not have to spend a cent of their own money while in office. Photo credit: Parliament of Canada   As the largest […]

Aspirational NATO spending targets have finally caught up to Canada

by Josie Sabatino

According to recently leaked documents, Trudeau allegedly told NATO officials that Canada will never meet its defence spending commitments. Pictured is the Prime Minister at Adazi military base in Latvia, Mar. 8, 2022. Photo credit: AFP/Toms Norde via Getty Images    It’s never good when American news outlets have the inside scoop on Canadian politics. […]

It’s a degenerative progressivism that permeates Ottawa

by Chris George

The federal strike is but the latest symptom of the rot brought about by the Trudeau Liberals’ particular flavour of progressive politics. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick   This week 155,000 federal public servants went out on strike for unrealistic wage increases and to further feather their nest of entitlements. For the many Canadians […]

Another disappointing Supreme Court decision on health care

by Catherine Swift

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed an appeal from Dr. Brian Day of the Cambie Surgery Centre in BC. For years, Dr. Day (pictured) has advocated for Canadians’ right to pay for private medical care. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Darryl Dyck   Canadians know their health care system is in rough shape. […]

The Trudeau government and Ottawa’s funny pages

by Chris George

From the PM telling struggling Canadians to rack up debt on their credit cards to Public Service Alliance of Canada union members demanding outrageous salary hikes, like many of cartoonist Gary Larson’s offerings, much of what we are witnessing in Ottawa these days is “out there” and confounds common sense. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Peter […]

According to a new poll from Leger and the Association of Canadian Studies, Canadians are feeling less safe now than they did before the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo credit: CBC   Spending time around the family dinner table during major holidays can sometimes feel like a lightning rod for heated conversations about the current state of […]

We’re being punk’d

by Catherine Swift

This federal government’s anti-democratic, self-aggrandizing, increasingly-costly behaviour makes one seriously consider: is this all just a giant practical joke on the Canadian people courtesy of Trudeau and gang?   When you look at the current state of affairs in Canada, it is getting harder and harder to believe that most Canadians are not being punk’d […]

NIMBYism and pipedreams – owning a house in Canada

by Daniel Perry

While homeownership remains out of reach for many, the federal and Ontario governments are at least trying to close the gap with targeted policies and incentives. At the local level, however, municipalities need to do better to start combatting, instead of giving into NIMBYism. Photo credit: E+/Troels Graugaard via Getty Images   The dream of […]

The endless laughter in the Prime Minister’s Office

by Chris George

The extravagance, arrogance, and disregard for basic ethics among Trudeau and his inner circle seem to only strengthen with the passing of the seasons. They know it, many Canadians know it, and yet nothing ever changes. No one is held accountable, and the Liberal elites continue to hold onto and abuse the power provided to […]

Where Ontario recognizes risks, Ottawa sees unicorns and rainbows

by Janet Ecker

As evidenced by their respective budgets last month, there is a major difference between how the province and feds view and intend to deal with government debt and deficits. Pictured is Canada’s Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick    Voters often complain that it doesn’t matter who you vote for, […]

Many of Canada’s top economic experts and business leaders seem to agree: the 2023 budget might prove to be this government’s worst attempt at providing the country with a fiscal and economic plan. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Justin Tang   Federal finance minister Chrystia Freeland delivered the 2023 Federal Budget this week. Some refer to […]

No surprises in budget as Trudeau government spends big to maintain hold on power

by Josie Sabatino

If there was a key takeaway from budget 2023, it’s that the Prime Minister believes his path to victory in the next election looks markedly similar to that of 2015. Photo credit: PMO/Adam Scotti   For anyone familiar with the terms of the Liberal-NDP supply and confidence agreement, Wednesday’s budget was, as many predicted, big […]

Biden brings Canada back

by Daniel Perry

 Joe Biden’s first visit to Canada as U.S. President last week brought about a renewed sense of kinship between the North American neighbours. Photo credit: Reuters/Blair Gable   Last week, the nation’s capital was abuzz as U.S. President Joe Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden made their first official visit to Canada as President […]

The 2023 federal budget – a preview and checklist

by Chris George

At no time in the recent history of our country has a budget been so important. Pictured is finance minister Chrystia Freeland. Photo credit: Twitter/Chrystia Freeland   Next Tuesday, March 28, federal finance minister Chrystia Freeland will rise in the House of Commons to deliver the 2023 Federal Budget. At no time in the recent […]

Stephen Harper steps out of shadows as Conservatives gain traction

by Josie Sabatino

Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld   On the eve of Joe Biden’s inaugural visit to Ottawa, Canada’s Conservative movement, public affairs professionals, and corporate leaders gathered downtown in the nation’s capital for the annual Canada Strong & Free Networking Conference. Big names crowded the speaking agenda for the two-day event, including former Prime Minister […]

Trudeau’s response to Chinese interference both abysmal and alarming

by Janet Ecker

And the contrast between Ottawa’s and Queen’s Park’s handling of the situation couldn’t be starker. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld   It’s hard to know what Canadians should be angrier about – China’s increasing efforts to interfere with our political processes or the Prime Minister’s appallingly bad attempts to deal with it.  For weeks […]

Broken immigration system hurts communities

by Catherine Swift

In recent years, tens of thousands of migrants have illegally traversed the US-Canada border via Quebec’s Roxham Road. Many of these illegal migrants have since been transferred to border communities around Ontario, including Niagara Falls, Cornwall, and Windsor. Photo credit: The Globe and Mail   The mess that continues to grow from the ridiculous Roxham […]

World Health Organization and the global response to the next pandemic

by Chris George

Earlier this month, the WHO reaffirmed its schedule for securing a global agreement that would reconstitute the international body and give it considerably more power and authority in the case of another global health crisis. Photo credit: AFP/Fabrice Coffrini   The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently in the process of redefining the role it […]

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with U.S. President Joe Biden at the InterContinental Presidente Mexico City hotel in Mexico City on Jan. 10, 2023. Next week, Biden will visit Canada for the first time since taking office. Photo credit: AP/Andrew Harnick   President Joe Biden will make his inaugural trip to Ottawa next week, holding […]

Hard economic times make respecting the taxpayer more critical than ever

by Daniel Perry

That means no more $100,000 inflight catering splurges for the Governor General, at the very least. Photo credit: Governor General of Canada   Times are tough right now. The economic forecast is less than ideal and record-high inflation is not making Canadian life any easier.  Companies across Canada and abroad are taking a hit too, […]

Special rapporteur can’t solve Justin Trudeau’s China problem

by Josie Sabatino

The Prime Minister appears to be throwing out what feels like a new message every day on the China interference issue, to see if anything will stick. The announcement of a special rapporteur feels like a glorified stall tactic – unfortunately for Trudeau, the issue isn’t going away. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick   […]

A review of the latest happenings and commentary. Photo credit: Global News   “This is a full-blown national security crisis. The ruling Liberals want us to pretend it’s not happening. The prime minister is obviously hiding something.” – Terry Glavin, China’s “Magic Weapon” Hits Canadian Targets Regarding the current national scandal, not much more has […]

On Bill C-11, Liberal backbenchers face rendezvous with destiny

by Jay Goldberg

With the Trudeau government’s online ‘censorship’ bill heading back to the House of Commons this week, now is the time for Liberal MPs to decide what they want their legacies to be. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld   Liberal backbenchers have a first-rate opportunity to prove that MPs are more than trained seals by […]

When it comes to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, rather than taking responsibility for mismanagement, the Trudeau government is attempting to find efficiencies by chipping away at the rituals that are a core tenant of our Canadian identity. Photo credit: Immigration News Canada   The federal bureaucracy has taken a lot of heat since last […]

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the G20 summit in Hangzhou, China, September 2016. Photo credit: Reuters   To continue with the sordid details now becoming public about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) ties with the Trudeau Liberals, this past week’s revelations had their intrigue. What is now becoming […]

Trudeau’s fiscal typhoon leads to wealth tax threat

by Jay Goldberg

Instead of dreaming up new taxes to hammer Canadians, Trudeau could start looking at areas to save. Photo credit: Bloomberg/David Kawai   If you hear the sound of water about to crash ashore, that’s the sound of the Trudeau government’s tidal wave of new taxes set to wash over taxpayers in this winter’s federal budget.  […]

Ethics take a backseat with this government

by Daniel Perry

In order for the average Canadian to believe in their government, they need to see that ethics are being taken seriously – which, with the governing Liberals under Prime Minister Trudeau, they are most certainly not. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Chris Young   When first learning about government in civics class, students are taught about […]


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