Carney stumbles out of the gate on carbon taxes

by Franco Terrazzano

The carbon tax has been an expensive failure and Carney must make his position on it clear. Pictured: Mark Carney. Photo Credit: Mark Carney/X.  Prime minister hopeful Mark Carney is supposed to be the economic messiah sent to save the Liberals from the depths of polling purgatory. But right out the gate, Carney showed he […]

Trudeau’s democracy-free, capital gains hike

by Franco Terrazzano

Essentially, Trudeau is getting unelected bureaucrats to impose tax hikes on Canadians. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X.  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s capital gains tax hike is full of pain, but free of democracy. Trudeau has every intention of ramming through the hike without a vote in Parliament. The capital gains tax […]

Trudeau’s real problem is policy, not comms

by Franco Terrazzano

Trudeau’s problem isn’t that Canadians don’t know what his government is doing. His problem is Canadians know exactly what his government is doing and don’t support it. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault. Photo Credit: PMO.   You can put lipstick on a hog and call it Monica, but it’s still a […]

Trudeau not doing the little things to make life affordable

by Franco Terrazzano

The Trudeau government doesn’t need an expensive get-away in Montreal to figure out how to make life more affordable. There’s a simple solution: stop taking so much money from Canadians. Photo Credit: Reuters/Carlos Osorio.   Figuring out how to make life more affordable for Canadians shouldn’t be like unravelling Einstein’s theory of relativity.  If Prime […]

Recession for who? Not government employees

by Franco Terrazzano

Bureaucrats didn’t financially suffer during the pandemic. They benefited. Now they want more. And if taxpayers don’t pony up, bureaucrats won’t show up for work.     Different people experience things differently. The pandemic exposed a specific divide. Private-sector workers missed paycheques. Small business owners worried their savings wouldn’t keep the lights on. Meanwhile, federal bureaucrats […]

Trudeau’s luxury tax will harm blue-collar workers

by Franco Terrazzano

With its preoccupation with going after the rich, Ottawa is forgetting about the Canadian workers who will get caught in the crossfire.   Hundreds of people who pull wrenches for a living have a unique point of view on Ottawa’s new luxury tax. Most of us might not be too bothered by a tax on […]

Poilievre can put people back in charge with recall and referendums

by Franco Terrazzano

Conservative Party leadership front-runner Pierre Poilievre. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld   Politicians spent the last two years giving themselves pay raises while the rest of us suffered through pay cuts, tax hikes, inflation and restrictions. The insult to injury? It’s the increasingly well-heeled politicians who are responsible for the pain many everyday Canadians […]

High and hidden taxes driving up the pump price

by Franco Terrazzano

Photo credit: Pexels/Engin Akyurt   As far as Canadian politicians are concerned, the soaring cost of living is like winter slush, summer mosquitos and other unfortunate forces of nature. They would love to help, but what can they do? Here’s an idea: our politicians just need to follow the lead of other countries and cut […]

Documents show PMO staff held meetings on home equity taxes

by Franco Terrazzano

Photo credit: Pexels/Curtis Adams   Staff in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office met with a group that received funding to produce a report recommending a home equity tax, according to new documents obtained by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.   “During the election, Trudeau told voters he wasn’t going to impose a home equity tax, so why are his […]

Poll: nearly 8 in 10 Canadians against MP pay raise

by Franco Terrazzano

While many small business owners and employees in the private sector have suffered reduction of hours, job loss, and closure over the last two years, MPs have provided themselves healthy pay raises throughout the pandemic. A recent Leger poll commissioned by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation indicates a vast majority of the population is, unsurprisingly, not […]

The feds need to end their lockdown subsidies: Terrazzano

by Franco Terrazzano

Pandemic subsidies have cost Ottawa more than half a trillion dollars to date. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick   When governments subsidize something, you can expect more of it. With the federal government covering the cost of keeping workers and businesses afloat during provincial lockdowns, it’s no surprise that provincial politicians are biased toward […]