City of Hamilton resumes hiring following cyberattack, launches new job application portal

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The city announced that they have launched an entirely new job posting website which will replace the previous platform that was used. Pictured: Mayor Andrea Horwath. Photo Credit: City of Hamilton. 

The city of Hamilton announced on Monday that they have resumed hiring following the Feb. 25 ransomware attack that shut down multiple city services.

In a press release, the city announced that they have launched an entirely new job posting website which will replace the previous platform that was used.

The city says that the new platform “has been thoroughly vetted for security, privacy, and reliability, providing a safe environment in which to resume the city’s hiring activities.”

An examination of the new portal shows that the site is run through American technology company BambooHR.

It is unclear how much the city is paying for the new platform.

Hamilton City Manager Marnie Cluckie touted the features of the new site, saying: “This new platform not only simplifies the job application experience, making it straightforward and user-friendly, but also integrates with social media and key job posting platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed.”

“This integration will enhance our recruitment efforts, expanding our reach and helping us to attract a more diverse pool of candidates,” she continued.

The city’s Human Resources Department is specifically focused on hiring for “essential and critical front-line roles” first, followed by summer student roles, all of which were put on hold during the ransomware attack.

Hamilton Mayor Andrea Horwath also commented in a press release, noting that the ability to post city jobs and summer student roles is “crucial” for city operations.

She thanked city staff for launching the new platform and thanked Hamiltonians for their patience as the city continues to recover from the cyberattack.

The city also provided additional information about the re-launch, noting that anyone who applied for a job the week before Feb. 25 has likely not yet had their resume reviewed.

The city also says that job offers have gone out to General Labourer summer students since Human Resources retrieved those applications from the old system before the cybersecurity incident.

However, all other summer student jobs that were not accessible to Human Resources have reportedly been reposted with the closing dates of postings extended.

For example, the deadline for summer student job applications appears to be extended to Monday, May 13, 2024, at 4PM.

All written job offers made before the cybersecurity incident will reportedly continue to be honoured.

Overall, the city provides the following advice: “Candidates who applied for positions and have not heard from Human Resources are encouraged to re-apply for any postings they are interested in to ensure their candidacy is considered.”

The new City of Hamilton job application portal can be accessed at

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