Union bosses show naked contempt for parents

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Too many union leaders want to disciple school children with Cultural Marxist values. Photo Credit: Shutterstock. 

It’s September and children are back to school. Fall has also renewed parental and citizen concerns over the sexualization of children in teaching and books with values contrary to those taught in their homes.

Another 1 Million March for Children is being held across Canada Sept. 20, one year after the first one. The initial 2023 event brought out hundreds of thousands in no small statement.

If there was any doubt the agenda parents protested was real, it was made apparent in the counter-protests organized by unions. A leaked zoom call with representatives of the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL), Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), and Canadian Union of Public Employees, still available on Vimeo, shows they have no esteem nor place for the wishes of parents who want schools to teach literacy, math, and science, not gender ideology.

Patti Coates, then OFL president, expressed concern about the 22 events in Ontario in alignment with the march, calling it “the rise of hate.” OFL director of women’s rights Chandra-Li Paul called the marchers “far right” and “hate mongers,” saying their coordinated activism was “really scary.”

How ironic such ideologues call those who disagree with them “phobes” of various kinds, smearing them as those misguided by irrational fears. Then, having falsely stereotyped them all, the leftist ideologues confess their own fears of them, suddenly making fear a right and justifiable thing.

OFL Director of Human Rights Yolana B’Dacy said, “As allies we need to come together and say enough is enough. We’re not going to tolerate the hate, the intolerance or the indoctrination, any form in any camp. We’re going to organize and we’re going to have rapid response teams ready to combat this hate. And we all need to be co-conspirators in the community.”

The statement was a tacit admission that the unions were, in fact, indoctrinating in the schools, and they would not tolerate any other. In the tradition of leftist philosopher Herbert Marcuse, their view of liberating tolerance was tolerance for everyone and everything the left did, and intolerance for anyone or anything their opponents did. Every part of this call demonstrated this tack over and over.

For example, Vicki Smallman, CLC’s director of human rights, said that thanks to an “emergency resolution,” they were organizing “flying squads” to counter the nationwide movement. In its initial meaning, a “flying squad” is a police force division rapidly deployed to stop a crime in progress. Now it’s unionists rallying to stop any opposition anywhere.

Scarborough educator-activist Riley Martin suggested mobilizing against a march for children adjacent to a school. “See if Toronto York Regional Labor Council could organize CUPE 4400 and the various teachers locals to go to those schools and get them shut down by the workers there,” he said.

Emily Quaile, a VP at CUPE 4600 in Ottawa, stereotyped the marchers with sweeping and negative terms. Were such things done to a certain race or sex, the unions would have raised a loud furor.

“The Fascists are organizing in the streets,” said Quaile. “I’m a researcher at Carleton. And my focus is fascism in Canada. And the signs that I’ve seen that were rising that this is far more than just like a far-right transphobic protest. They are fundamentally racist. They’re fundamentally anti-union, they are fundamentally queer and transphobic. And it’s just a matter of time before they come to us.” 

Sorry, but was this the same group who complained the other side were fear-mongerers?

One local labour vice-president in the GTA, a school board employee to boot, said three of his children were transgender. Parents concerned that teaching transgender concepts at school did more to create transgender kids than protect children could not have felt assured. But the man (whose name we will withhold here), then called for intimidation against the marchers.

“We’ve got a couple of seasoned activists who have already said that they’re willing to go over and take some pictures of license plates and tape…Make sure that they know that they’re being watched,” he said. This school board employee also called for the union side to occupy the planned rally space early and pre-empt the event with their own.

Hello? Aren’t these the same people calling for an end to bullying?

It was unclear who the next speaker was (he was introduced as something like “Monib.”) Remarkably, he warned to guard against the tactic they had just advocated. “We’ve seen that with a lot of fascist, white supremist organizations and groups that have been doxxing,” he said.

Did he realize that the 1 Million March for Children was spearheaded by Kamel El-Cheikh, a Muslim who could hardly be called a “white supremist”?

One speaker on the call said with enough resistance and counter-protests, the marchers would become fewer in number and stay home. On Sept. 20, we’ll find out. One thing is clear, however. Too many union leaders want to disciple school children with Cultural Marxist values and reward those in their way, including parents, as an enemy to disparage, cancel, and smear.


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